
/tahm"pe rdde/, n.
a city in SW Finland. 167,000. Swedish, Tammerfors.

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      city, southwestern Finland. It is located on an isthmus traversed by the Tammer Rapids between Lakes Näsi (Näsi, Lake) and Pyhä, northwest of Helsinki. Tampere is Finland's second largest city and both an educational and an industrial centre. It is also a lake port and major rail junction. Founded in 1779, it remained undeveloped until 1821, when Tsar Alexander I of Russia encouraged its growth by granting tax-free importation of raw materials and equipment. This privilege, which remained in place until 1905, resulted in the industrial expansion of the city. In 1918 right-wing government forces (known as the Whites) scored an important victory over the left-wing rebel army (the Reds) there in the Finnish Civil War. The Häme Museum of History (founded 1804) is in Tampere, as are the Vapriikki Museum Centre and the Central Museum of Labour. The city is notable for many fine examples of modern Finnish architecture by Carl Ludwig Engel, Lars Sonck, Viljo Revell (Revell, Viljo), and Reima and Raili Pietilä. The Romantic-style Tampere Cathedral was completed in 1907. The library building, known locally as Metso, was completed in 1986. The symbol of the city is the 551-ft (168-m) Näsineula Observation Tower. Tampere has two universities: the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology. Pop. (2005 est.) 202,932.

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