
/tam"boor, tam boor"/, n.
1. Music. a drum.
2. a drum player.
3. Also called tabaret. a circular frame consisting of two hoops, one fitting within the other, in which cloth is stretched for embroidering.
4. embroidery done on such a frame.
5. Furniture. a flexible shutter used as a desk top or in place of a door, composed of a number of closely set wood strips attached to a piece of cloth, the whole sliding in grooves along the sides or at the top and bottom.
6. Archit. drum1 (def. 10).
7. Court Tennis. a sloping buttress opposite the penthouse, on the hazard side of the court.
v.t., v.i.
8. to embroider on a tambour.
[1475-85; < MF: drum Ar tanbur lute < MGk pandoúra; cf. BANDORE]

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 embroidery worked on material that has been stretched taut on a tambour frame, which consists of two wooden hoops, one slightly larger than the other, fitting close together. The embroidery is worked with a needle or a tambour hook. When an expanse of material has to be covered that is too large for a fixed square frame, it is possible to do the work in stages on a tambour frame, stretching different portions of the material at a time. The frame is portable and suitable for carrying work around. Early examples of tambour work come from China, India, Persia, and Turkey. It was popular in Europe and the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries.

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