
/tal'ee es"in/, n.
fl. A.D. c550, Welsh bard.

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Home, as well as architectural school, of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Located near Spring Green, Wis., it was begun in 1911 and was rebuilt after fires in 1914 and 1925. Taliesin West, near Scottsdale, Ariz., was begun in 1938 as a winter home for Wright and his students. Both structures were continually renovated and added to until Wright's death in 1959, after which they continued to be occupied by members of the Wright Foundation. Wright, of Welsh descent, named them after the renowned Welsh poet (fl. 6th century AD).

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Welsh poet

flourished 6th century AD

      one of five poets renowned among the Welsh in the latter part of the 6th century, according to the Historia Brittonum (c. 830).

      The Book of Taliesin, the oldest surviving copy of his works (written about 700 years after his time), attributes to him a variety of poems, some on religious themes, some arcane verses that belong to Celtic mythological traditions and that are very difficult to decipher, and some that refer to known historical figures. Of this latter group, 12 have been identified as being the work of the 6th-century poet. Among these are poems praising Urien, king of the ancient Welsh territory of Rheged (the modern shires of Wigtown and Kirkcudbright in south Scotland), and lamenting the loss of Owain, son of Urien. A eulogy to Cynan Garwyn ap Brochfael, king of Powys, attributed to Taliesin, suggests that the poet may have been a native of Powys, Wales. The mythical visionary poet described in the folktale known as "Hanes Taliesin" (“The Story of Taliesin”) is a separate figure and a later medieval creation.

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  • Taliesin — (late sixth century)    Taliesin is the name of the earliest known Welsh poet, believed to have been a court poet to the late sixth century King Urien and his son Owain of Rheged (an area around the Solway Estuary, southwest of Scotland). Like… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Taliesin — (fl. 550)    Welsh bard, the popular rendering of whose name is fair forehead, whose name is associated with the Book of Taliesin, a book of poems written down in the 10th century but which most scholars believe to date in large part from the 6th …   British and Irish poets

  • Taliesin — Taliẹsin,   kymrischer Dichter des 6. Jahrhunderts, wurde Held einer Saga, die vielleicht im 9. Jahrhundert entstand (überliefert auch in der Volkserzählung »Hanes Taliesin«, von der Handschriften ab dem 16. Jahrhundert erhalten sind).Von den… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Taliesin — Residencia, y también escuela de arquitectura, de Frank Lloyd Wright. Ubicada cerca de Spring Green, Wis., EE.UU., fue iniciada en 1911 y reconstruida luego de dos incendios, en 1914 y 1925. Taliesin Occidental, otra casa de Wright cerca de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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