
/tah'kee tah"kee/, n.

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  • Taki Theodoracopulos — ( el. Τάκης Θεοδωρακόπουλος; born August 11 1937), originally named Petros (Peter) Theodoracopulos but better known as Taki, a nickname for Petros and other Greek male names, is a Greek born journalist and writer living in New York City, London… …   Wikipedia

  • Taki (game) — Taki ( he. טאקי) is an Israeli game similar to Uno and Crazy Eights. It is made by Shafir games. The game s creator is Haim Shafir. The game takes about 20 minutes, is for 2 10 players, and is for ages 5 and up. It is very popular in Israel. Game …   Wikipedia

  • Taki's Top Drawer — was an online magazine of politics and culture edited by famous Greek paleoconservative journalist and socialite Taki Theodoracopulos. In March of 2008, the site was redesigned and relaunched as Taki s Magazine, called Takimag for short. The site …   Wikipedia

  • taki — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}przym. Ib, tacy {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} wskazuje pewną cechę czegoś, określoną dla rozmówców na tle danej sytuacji lub wcześniejszego tekstu; tego rodzaju, podobny : {{/stl 7}}{{stl… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • TAKI 183 — is one of the originators of New York graffiti. He worked as a foot messenger and would write his nickname around the New York streets that he daily frequented en route in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Taki was Greek born, named Demetrios and… …   Wikipedia

  • Taki — may refer to:* TAKI 183, one of the originators of New York graffiti * Taki Theodoracopulos, a Greek born journalist and writer living in New York City, London and Switzerland. * Taki, the Japanese word for waterfall * Taki, Mie, a town in Mie… …   Wikipedia

  • Taki — Localidad de la India …   Wikipedia Español

  • Taki Rentaro — Taki Rentarō (jap. 滝 廉太郎; * 24. August 1879 in Tokio; † 29. Juni 1903 in Ōita) war ein japanischer Komponist. Nach seinem Studienabschluss an der Tokioter Musikschule (heute: Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Taki Rentarō — Rentarō Taki (jap. 瀧 廉太郎 Taki Rentarō; * 24. August 1879 in Tokio; † 29. Juni 1903 in Ōita) war ein japanischer Komponist. Nach seinem Studienabschluss an der Tokioter Musikschule (heute: Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) im Jahre …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Taki 183 — (Таки 183)  один из основоположников субкультуры граффити в Нью Йорке и современных граффити в целом. Он работал курьером, и во время своих перемещений по городу писал свой никнейм на стенах и других поверхностях (например, в метро). Его тег… …   Википедия

  • Taki — steht für Taki Rentarō (1879–1903), japanischer Komponist Taki Inoue (*1963), japanischer Rennfahrer TAKI 183 (*1953) Graffiti Pionier Siehe auch Taki Taki Taci …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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