
synecdochic /sin'ik dok"ik/, synecdochical, adj.synecdochically, adv.
/si nek"deuh kee/, n. Rhet.
a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships or a Croesus for a rich man.
[1350-1400; < ML < Gk synekdoché, equiv. to syn- SYN- + ekdoché act of receiving from another, equiv. to ek- EC- + -doche, n. deriv. of déchesthai to receive]

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      figure of speech in which a part represents the whole, as in the expressionhired handsfor workmen or, less commonly, the whole represents a part, as in the use of the wordsocietyto mean high society. Closely related to metonymythe replacement of a word by one closely related to the originalsynecdoche is an important poetic device for creating vivid imagery. An example is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's line inThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” “The western wave was all aflame,” in whichwavesubstitutes forsea.” See also metonymy.

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  • Synecdoche — is taken from Greek sinekdohi (συνεκδοχή), meaning simultaneous understanding (PronEng|si nek duh kee) (pronounced IPA|). a figure of speech in which:* a term denoting a part of something is used to refer to the whole thing, or * a term denoting… …   Wikipedia

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  • Synecdoche — Syn*ec do*che (s[i^]n*[e^]k d[ o]*k[ e]), n. [L. synecdoche, Gr. synekdochh , fr. to receive jointly; sy n with + ? to receive; ? out + ? to receive.] (Rhet.) A figure or trope by which a part of a thing is put for the whole (as, fifty sail for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • synecdoche — (n.) late 14c., part for whole or vice versa, from M.L. synodoche, from L.L. synecdoche, from Gk. synekdokhe, lit. a receiving together or jointly, from synekdekhesthai supply a thought or word, take with something else, from syn with + ek out +… …   Etymology dictionary

  • synecdoche — [si nek′də kē] n. [LME, altered (infl. by L) < synodoche < ML sinodoche, for L synecdoche < Gr synekdochē, lit., a receiving together < synekdechesthai, to receive together < syn , together + ekdechesthai, to receive < ek , from …   English World dictionary

  • synecdoche — ou synecdoque (si nèk do k ) s. f. Figure par laquelle on prend le genre pour l espèce, ou l espèce pour le genre, le tout pour la partie, ou la partie pour le tout. Exemples : une voile pour un navire ; les flots pour la mer ; l airain pour les… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • synecdoche — pronounced si nek dǝ kee, is a figure of speech in which a more inclusive term is used for a less inclusive one or vice versa, as in England came out to bat (England more inclusive for ‘the England team’) and a fleet of fifty sail (sail less… …   Modern English usage

  • synecdoche — ► NOUN ▪ a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in England lost by six wickets (meaning ‘the English cricket team’). ORIGIN Greek sunekdokh , from sun together + ekdekhesthai take up …   English terms dictionary

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  • SYNECDOCHE — ou SYNECDOQUE. s. f. Figure par laquelle on fait entendre le plus en disant le moins, ou le moins en disant le plus ; on prend le genre pour l espèce, ou l espèce pour le genre, le tout pour la partie, ou la partie pour le tout. Cent voiles pour… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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