- sweetbread
/sweet"bred'/, n.2. Also called neck sweetbread, throat sweetbread. the thymus gland of such an animal, used for food.[1555-65; SWEET + BREAD]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Sweetbread — Sweet bread (sw[=e]t br[e^]d ), n. 1. Either the thymus gland or the pancreas, the former being called {neck sweetbread} or {throat sweetbread}, the latter {belly sweetbread}. The sweetbreads of ruminants, esp. of the calf, are highly esteemed as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sweetbread — [swēt′bred΄] n. [Early ModE < SWEET + BREAD, in OE sense “morsel”] the thymus (heart sweetbread or throat sweetbread) or sometimes the pancreas (stomach sweetbread) of a calf, lamb, etc., when used as food usually used in pl … English World dictionary
sweetbread — pancreas used as food 1560s, from SWEET (Cf. sweet)(adj.); the bread element may be from O.E. bræd flesh … Etymology dictionary
sweetbread — ► NOUN ▪ the thymus gland or pancreas of an animal, used for food … English terms dictionary
sweetbread — noun The pancreas or thymus gland of an animal, especially a lamb or calf, as food. Syn: belly sweetbread, heart sweetbread, stomach sweetbread, gullet sweetbread, neck sweetbread, throat sweetbread … Wiktionary
Sweetbread — Not to be confused with Sweetmeat. Sweetbreads on mushroom risotto. Sweetbreads or ris are culinary names for the thymus (throat, gullet, or neck sweetbread) or the pancreas (heart, stomach, or belly sweetbread) especially of the calf (ris de… … Wikipedia
sweetbread — /ˈswitbrɛd / (say sweetbred) noun 1. the pancreas (stomach sweetbread) of an animal, especially a calf or a lamb, used for food. 2. the thymus gland (neck sweetbread or throat sweetbread), used for food …
sweetbread — UK [ˈswiːtˌbred] / US [ˈswɪtˌbred] noun [countable, usually plural] Word forms sweetbread : singular sweetbread plural sweetbreads the pancreas (= small organ in the body) of a young farm animal, cooked and eaten … English dictionary
sweetbread — noun Date: 1565 the thymus or pancreas of a young animal (as a calf) used for food … New Collegiate Dictionary
sweetbread — Synonyms and related words: abatis, brains, breast of veal, chitterlings, cockscomb, foie de veau, fricandeau, giblets, gizzard, haslet, heart, kidneys, liver, marrow, tongue, tripe, veal, veal cutlet, veau … Moby Thesaurus