
/shve tahm"beuhr euh/, n.
one of the two principal Jain sects, whose members wear white and believe that women can attain salvation. Cf. Digambara.
[ < Skt svetambara white-clad]

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Jainist sect
      (Sanskrit:White-robed,” orWhite-clad”), one of the two principal sects of Jainism, a religion of India. The monks and nuns of the Śvetāmbara sect wear simple white garments. This is in contrast to the practice followed by the parallel sect, the Digambara (q.v.), which does not admit women into the ascetic order and whose monks are always nude.

      The Śvetāmbara are concentrated chiefly in Gujarāt and western Rājasthān states, but they may also be found throughout northern and central India.

      Though the date of the schism is given by the Śvetāmbara as AD 83, differences apparently arose slowly. Inscriptions on unclothed Kushān images of the Tīrthaṅkara (Jaina saviours) suggest that the Śvetāmbara continued to worship nude images for some time. The earliest image of a Tīrthaṅkara wearing a lower garment, from Akota, Gujarāt state, has been ascribed to the late 5th or 6th century. As this is also the time of the last council at Valabhī, some scholars suggest that the council marked the final separation of the two sects. The council also is credited with the final setting down in writing of the Śvetāmbara canon, which is centred on 11 Aṅgas, or texts, the 12th having by that time been lost.

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Universalium. 2010.

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