
suspenseful, adj.
/seuh spens"/, n.
1. a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome, usually accompanied by a degree of apprehension or anxiety.
2. a state of mental indecision.
3. undecided or doubtful condition, as of affairs: For a few days matters hung in suspense.
4. the state or condition of being suspended.
[1375-1425; late ME < ML suspensum deferment, suspension, uncertainty, n. use of neut. of L suspensus hung up, doubtful, in suspense (ptp. of suspendere to hang up, leave undecided), equiv. to sus- SUS- + pensus (pend-, s. of pendere (trans.) to hang (see PEND) + -tus ptp. suffix, with dt > s)]

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  • suspense — [sə spens′] n. [ME < MFr suspens, suspense, delay, deferring < ML suspensum < L suspensus, suspended, uncertain, lit., hung up, pp. of suspendere, to SUSPEND] 1. the state of being undecided or undetermined 2. a state of usually anxious… …   English World dictionary

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