
supportingly, adv.
/seuh pawrt", -pohrt"/, v.t.
1. to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
2. to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for.
3. to undergo or endure, esp. with patience or submission; tolerate.
4. to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction: They supported him throughout his ordeal.
5. to maintain (a person, family, establishment, institution, etc.) by supplying with things necessary to existence; provide for: to support a family.
6. to uphold (a person, cause, policy, etc.) by aid, countenance, one's vote, etc.; back; second.
7. to maintain or advocate (a theory, principle, etc.).
8. to corroborate (a statement, opinion, etc.): Leading doctors supported his testimony.
9. to act with or second (a lead performer); assist in performance: The star was supported by a talented newcomer.
10. the act or an instance of supporting.
11. the state of being supported.
12. something that serves as a foundation, prop, brace, or stay.
13. maintenance, as of a person or family, with necessaries, means, or funds: to pay for support of an orphan.
14. a person or thing that supports, as financially: The pension was his only support.
15. a person or thing that gives aid or assistance.
16. an actor, actress, or group performing with a lead performer.
17. the material, as canvas or wood, on which a picture is painted.
18. Stock Exchange. See support level.
19. (of hosiery) made with elasticized fibers so as to fit snugly on the legs, thereby aiding circulation, relieving fatigue, etc.
[1350-1400; (v.) ME supporten < MF supporter < ML supportare to endure (L: to convey), equiv. to sup- SUP- + portare to carry (see PORT5); (n.) ME, deriv. of the v.]
Syn. 1, 6. SUPPORT, MAINTAIN, SUSTAIN, UPHOLD all mean to hold up and to preserve. TO SUPPORT is to hold up or add strength to, literally or figuratively: The columns support the roof. TO MAINTAIN is to support so as to preserve intact: to maintain an attitude of defiance. TO SUSTAIN, a rather elevated word, suggests completeness and adequacy in supporting: The court sustained his claim. UPHOLD applies esp. to supporting or backing another, as in a statement, opinion, or belief: to uphold the rights of a minority. 3. suffer, bear, stand, stomach. 13. sustenance, subsistence, keep. See living.

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