superstring theory

superstring theory
/sooh"peuhr string'/
any supersymmetric string theory in which each type of elementary particle is treated as a vibration of a single fundamental string (superstring) at a particular frequency.

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Any of a number of theories in particle physics that treat elementary particles (see subatomic particle) as infinitesimal one-dimensional "stringlike" objects rather than dimensionless points in space-time.

Different vibrations of the strings correspond to different particles. Introduced in the early 1970s in attempts to describe the strong force, superstring theories became popular in the 1980s when it was shown that they might provide a fully self-consistent quantum field theory that could describe gravitation as well as the weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces. The development of a unified quantum field theory is a major goal in theoretical particle physics, but inclusion of gravity usually leads to difficult problems with infinite quantities in the calculations. The most self-consistent superstring theories propose 10 dimensions; 4 correspond to the 3 ordinary spatial dimensions and time, while the rest are curled up and not perceptible.

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Universalium. 2010.

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