
/sun"deuhr leuhnd/, n.
a seaport in Tyne and Wear, in NE England. 298,000.

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Town, seaport, and metropolitan borough (pop., 2001: 280,807), northern England.

Located at the mouth of the River Wear on the North Sea, the town was known as Wearmouth in Saxon times; it formerly included Monkwearmouth, site of a monastery built in 674 where the Venerable Bede studied. Sunderland itself (named for the part of Monkwearmouth "sundered" from the monastery by the river) was chartered in the late 12th century. The port grew rapidly as the coal trade developed in the 17th century, and by the mid-18th century it was a major shipbuilding centre. Modern industries include glassware and automobile manufacturing. Within the borough are the seaside resorts of Roker and Seaburn. In addition to the town of Sunderland, the city and metropolitan borough includes the towns of Washington, Houghton-le-Spring, and Hetton-le-Hole.

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      town, port city, and metropolitan borough, metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear, historic county of Durham, England. It lies at the mouth of the River Wear, along the North Sea.

      In the year 674 a monastery was founded in an area on the north riverbank known later as Monkwearmouth. St. Bede the Venerable (Bede the Venerable, Saint) (672/673735), noted chronicler of Anglo-Saxon affairs, was born in the area and studied there. On the south side of the river and slightly to the west, Bishopwearmouth was granted to the bishops of Durham in 930. In the early medieval period the community at Wearmouth was the only port of the Durham bishopric and traded in salt and fish. Sunderland itself was granted a charter in the late 12th century and incorporated as a borough in 1634; its name derives from the part of Monkwearmouthsunderedfrom the monastery by the river.

      Development of the coal trade in the 17th century, based on an expansion of mining in the valley of the River Wear, resulted in rapid growth of the town. By the 1680s some 180,000 tons of coal were exported annually from Sunderland. By the mid-18th century the town was probably the premier shipbuilding centre in Britain. Its other manufactures included glassware and pottery. The heavy dependence of the local economy on shipbuilding and ship-repairing industries resulted in severe unemployment during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The need for economic diversification resulted in the subsequent establishment of industrial estates at Southwick and Hendon in an attempt to attract new forms of manufacturing. By the late 20th century the coal-mining and shipbuilding industries had disappeared. Sunderland's new manufacturing sectors include automotive engineering and electronics, and service activities are increasingly important to the economy.

      Sunderland has a university and a museum and art gallery. Within the borough are the seaside resorts of Roker and Seaburn. In addition to the town of Sunderland, the city and metropolitan borough includes the towns of Washington, Houghton-le-Spring, and Hetton-le-Hole. Area metropolitan borough, 52 square miles (135 square km). Pop. (2001) town, 182,974; (2004 est.) metropolitan borough, 282,700.

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