
Sundaylike, adj.
/sun"day, -dee/, n.
1. the first day of the week, observed as the Sabbath by most Christian sects.
2. a month of Sundays, an indeterminately great length of time: She hadn't taken a vacation in a month of Sundays.
3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Sunday.
4. used, done, taking place, or being as indicated only on or as if on Sundays: a Sunday matinée.
[bef. 900; ME sun(nen)day, OE sunnandaeg, trans. of L dies solis, itself trans. of Gk heméra helíou day of the sun; c. G Sonntag]
/sun"day, -dee/, n.
1. William Ashley /ash"lee/, ("Billy Sunday"), 1862-1935, U.S. evangelist.
2. a female given name.

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(as used in expressions)
Sunday Billy
William Ashley Sunday

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day of week
      first day of the week; in Christianity, the Lord's Day, the weekly memorial of Jesus Christ's Resurrection from the dead. The practice of Christians gathering together for worship on Sunday dates back to apostolic times, but details of the actual development of the custom are not clear. Before the end of the 1st century AD, the author of Revelation gave the first day its name of theLord's Day” (Rev. 1:10). Saint Justin Martyr (Justin Martyr, Saint) (c. 100c. 165), philosopher and defender of the Christian faith, in his writings described the Christians gathered together for worship on the Lord's Day: the gospels or the Old Testament was read, the presiding minister preached a sermon, and the group prayed together and celebrated the Lord's Supper.

      The emperor Constantine (Constantine I) (d. 337), a convert to Christianity, introduced the first civil legislation concerning Sunday in 321, when he decreed that all work should cease on Sunday, except that farmers could work if necessary. This law, aimed at providing time for worship, was followed later in the same century and in subsequent centuries by further restrictions on Sunday activities. See also Sabbatarianism; week.

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  • Sunday — is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday. In the Jewish law it is the first day of the Hebrew calendar week. In many Christian traditions it is the Christian Sabbath, which replaced the Jewish Shabbat.… …   Wikipedia

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  • Sunday — O.E. Sunnandæg, lit. day of the sun, from sunnan, oblique case of sunne sun (see SUN (Cf. sun) (n.)) + dæg day (see DAY (Cf. day)). A West Germanic loan translation of L. dies solis day of the sun, which is itself a loan translation of Gk …   Etymology dictionary

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