sun bear

sun bear
a small, black bear, Ursus (Helarctos) malayanus, of Southeast Asian forests, having a light muzzle and yellow chest markings. Also called honey bear, Malay bear.

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Smallest member (Helarctos malayanus) of the bear family (Ursidae), found in South Asian forests.

Nocturnal and tree-climbing, the sun bear weighs 60140 lbs (2764 kg) and is 34 ft (11.2 m) long, with a 2-in. (5-cm) tail, large forepaws, and short black fur with an orange-yellow crescent on the chest. It uses its long, curved claws to tear or dig for insect nests, particularly those of bees and termites. It also eats fruit, honey, and small vertebrates. The sun bear is shy and intelligent; legends say that its chest crescent represents the sun.

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also called  bruang,  honey bear , or  Malayan sun bear 
  smallest member of the family Ursidae, found in Southeast Asian forests. The bear (Helarctos, or Ursus, malayanus) is often tamed as a pet when young but becomes bad-tempered and dangerous as an adult. It weighs only 2765 kg (59143 pounds) and grows 11.2 m (3.34 feet) long with a 5-centimetre (2-inch) tail. Its large forepaws bear long, curved claws, which it uses for tearing or digging in its search for insect nests and colonies, particularly those of bees and termites. Other items of its omnivorous diet include fruit, honey, and small vertebrates.

      Generally nocturnal, the tree-climbing sun bear is shy and retiring but quite intelligent. It has an orange-yellow-coloured chest crescent that according to legend represents the rising sun. Other light features (often including its muzzle and feet) contrast with its black coat of short, coarse fur.

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