
appeasement [ə pēzmənt]
1. an appeasing or being appeased
2. the policy of giving in to the demands of a hostile or aggressive power in an attempt to keep the peace

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ap·pease·ment (ə-pēzʹmənt) n.
a. An act of appeasing.
b. The condition of being appeased.
2. The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace.

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n [U] (usu disapprov)
doing what somebody else wants you to do in order to keep them from attacking you. The word is used to describe the British governments policy of trying to remain on friendly terms with Hitler and Mussolini, despite their aggressive actions, before World War II.

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Foreign policy of pacifying an aggrieved nation through negotiation in order to prevent war.

The prime example is Britain's policy toward Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Neville Chamberlain sought to accommodate Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and took no action when Germany absorbed Austria in 1938. When Adolf Hitler prepared to annex ethnically German portions of Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain negotiated the notorious Munich Agreement.

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  • Appeasement — is the policy of settling international quarrels by admitting and satisfying grievances through rational negotiation and compromise, thereby avoiding the resort to an armed conflict which would be expensive, bloody, and possibly dangerous. The… …   Wikipedia

  • appeasement — (n.) mid 15c., pacification, from M.Fr. apeisement, O.Fr. apaisement appeasement, calming, noun of action from apaisier (see APPEASE (Cf. appease)). First recorded 1919 in international political sense; not pejorative until failure of Chamberlain …   Etymology dictionary

  • appeasement — meaning ‘the process of satisfying a potential aggressor’, has had unfavourable overtones since its use in the 1930s with reference to Nazi Germany, and now always carries the implication of making shameful or inadvisable concessions. As late as… …   Modern English usage

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  • appeasement — /apˈpizmənt, ingl. əˈpiːzmənt/ [ingl., da to appease «pacificare, calmare»] s. m. inv. (polit.) convivenza pacifica …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • appeasement — (izg. epȋsment) m DEFINICIJA pol. žarg. politika popuštanja zahtjevima potencijalno neprijateljske nacije, države ili skupine s ciljem da se očuva mir (ob. u kontekstu savezničkog popuštanja Hitleru do 1938) ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • appeasement — [n] satisfaction; pacification abatement, acceding, accommodation, adjustment, alleviation, amends, assuagement, blunting, compromise, concession, conciliation, easing, grant, lessening, lulling, mitigation, moderation, mollification, peace… …   New thesaurus

  • appeasement — [ə pēz′mənt] n. 1. an appeasing or being appeased 2. the policy of giving in to the demands of a hostile or aggressive power in an attempt to keep the peace …   English World dictionary

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