- store
—storer, n./stawr, stohr/, n., v., stored, storing, adj.n.1. an establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis.2. a grocery: We need bread and milk from the store.3. a stall, room, floor, or building housing or suitable for housing a retail business.4. a supply or stock of something, esp. one for future use.5. stores, supplies of food, clothing, or other requisites, as for a household, inn, or naval or military forces.6. Chiefly Brit. a storehouse or warehouse.7. quantity, esp. great quantity; abundance, or plenty: a rich store of grain.a. in readiness or reserve.b. about to happen; imminent: There is a great deal of trouble in store for them if they persist in their ways.9. set or lay store by, to have high regard for; value; esteem: She sets great store by good character.v.t.10. to supply or stock with something, as for future use.12. to deposit in a storehouse, warehouse, or other place for keeping.v.i.14. to take in or hold supplies, goods, or articles, as for future use.15. to remain fresh and usable for considerable time on being stored: Flour stores well.adj.16. bought from a store; commercial: a loaf of store bread.[1225-75; (v.) ME storen, aph. var. of astoren < OF estorer < L instaurare to set up, renew, equiv. to in- IN-2 + staur- (akin to Gk staurós across and to STEER1) + -are inf. suffix; (n.) ME, aph. var. of astore < OF estore, deriv. of estorer]
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Universalium. 2010.