
/stohk"on trent", -awn-/, n.
a city in N Staffordshire, in central England, on the Trent River: pottery and china. 255,800.
Also, Stoke-upon-Trent. Cf. Potteries.

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city and unitary authority, England, United Kingdom
      city and unitary authority, geographic and historic county of Staffordshire, west-central England, consisting of the industrial ceramic-producing area known as the Potteries. Ceramics is the chief industry, although metalworking, glass, and rubber are also important.

      The city of Stoke-on-Trent combines the former towns of Burslem, Fenton, Hanley, Longton, Stoke-upon-Trent, and Tunstall. The British Ceramic Research Association's laboratories were opened in 1951, and Staffordshire University (founded 1970) has programs in ceramic technology.

      Josiah Wedgwood (Wedgwood, Josiah), the great English potter of the 18th century, lived and worked in Stoke-upon-Trent for a time. The novelist Arnold Bennett, born in Hanley, used the area of theFive Townsas the setting for many of his works in the early 20th century. Area 36 square miles (93 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 238,300.

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Universalium. 2010.

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