Stevens Point

Stevens Point
a city in central Wisconsin. 22,970.

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      city, seat (1879) of Portage county, central Wisconsin, U.S. It lies on the Wisconsin River, about 65 miles (105 km) northwest of Appleton and 110 miles (175 km) north of Madison. The area was originally inhabited by Menominee Indians. George Stevens, a lumberer, traveled to the area from Fort Winnebago in Portage in 1838 and settled it the following year. The city, laid out in 1847, became a lumbering centre and grew in the 1870s after the arrival of the Wisconsin Central Railroad (Soo Line). Polish immigrants influenced its cultural development.

      Diversified manufacturing includes paper products, filtration equipment, and beer; insurance, food processing, publishing, forest products, livestock (beef and dairy cattle), and agriculture (cranberries, potatoes, corn [maize], and green beans) are also important to the economy. The city is the seat of the University of Wisconsin (Wisconsin, University of)–Stevens Point (founded in 1894 as a teachers college), which is known for its natural resources program; the campus features a natural history museum and a 275-acre (111-hectare) reserve. Stevens Point also contains a campus of Mid-State Technical College. The city has a children's museum and the state Korean War memorial. About 20 miles (30 km) east of the city is Hartman Creek State Park, through which passes a portion of Ice Age National Scenic Trail. Inc. 1858. Pop. (1990) 23,006; (2000) 24,551.

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Universalium. 2010.

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