
/stat"iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.)
the branch of mechanics that deals with bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium.
[1650-60; see STATIC, -ICS]

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      in physics, the subdivision of mechanics that is concerned with the forces that act on bodies at rest under equilibrium conditions. Its foundations were laid more than 2,200 years ago by the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes and others while studying the force-amplifying properties of simple machines such as the lever and the axle. The methods and results of the science of statics have proved especially useful in designing buildings, bridges, and dams, as well as cranes and other similar mechanical devices. To be able to calculate the dimensions of such structures and machines, architects and engineers must first determine the forces that act on their interconnected parts. Statics provides the analytical and graphical procedures needed to identify and describe these unknown forces.

      Statics assumes that the bodies with which it deals are perfectly rigid. It also holds that the sum of all the forces acting on a body at rest has to be zero (i.e., the forces involved balance one another) and that there must be no tendency for the forces to turn the body about any axis. These three conditions are independent of one another, and their expression in mathematical form comprises the equations of equilibrium. There are three equations, and so only three unknown forces can be calculated. If more than three unknown forces exist, it means that there are more components in the structure or machine than are required to support the applied loads or that there are more restraints than are needed to keep the body from moving. Such unnecessary components or restraints are termed redundant (e.g., a table with four legs has one redundant leg) and the system of forces is said to be statically indeterminate. The number of equations available in statics is limited because of a neglect of the deformations of loaded bodies, a direct consequence of the underlying premise that any solid body under consideration is ideally rigid and immutable as to shape and size under all conditions.

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