
/stahr"its, -yits/, n., pl. startsy /stahrt"see/. Russ. Orth. Ch.
a religious teacher or counselor.
[1915-20; < Russ stárets elder, deriv. of stáryi old]

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Eastern Orthodox religion
      (Slavic translation of Greek gerōn,elder”), plural Startsy, in Eastern Orthodoxy, a monastic spiritual leader. Eastern Christian monasticism understood itself as a way of life that aimed at a real experience of the future kingdom of God; the starets, as one who had already achieved this experience, was the charismatic spiritual guide who could aid others in attaining spiritual progress and success. In eremitic, or Hesychastic, monasticism, which flourished from the 4th and 5th centuries throughout Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, monastic obedience consisted primarily in the personal relationship between the gerōn and the disciple. In Byzantine monasteries the personal charismatic leadership of elders was normally combined with the disciplinary authority of the abbot. Private confession to elders, who were not usually ordained to the priesthood, was a normal practice.

      From Byzantium the traditions of this charismatic ministry went to Russia, where they were perpetuated by such famous startsy as St. Sergius of Radonezh (Sergius of Radonezh, Saint) (c. 131492) and St. Nil Sorsky (Nil Sorsky, Saint) (14331508). The translation of the Philokalia, a collection of Greek monastic texts, into Old Slavic by the starets Paissy Velitchkovsky (172294) contributed to a revival of starchestvo (“staretsism”), which was furthered by the great St. Seraphim of Sarov (Seraphim of Sarov, Saint) (17591833) and the startsy of the monastery of Optina Pustyn, who inspired the personage of Zossima in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov. At a time when religion appeared to many as nothing more than a bureaucratic establishment, the Russian startsy, especially of Optina Pustyn, maintained a remarkable witness to Christianity, directly influencing such writers and intellectuals as Nikolay Gogol, Aleksey Stepanovich Khomyakov, Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov, and Leo Tolstoy.

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