- stand
v.i.1. (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.2. to rise to one's feet (often fol. by up).3. to have a specified height when in this position: a basketball player who stands six feet seven inches.4. to stop or remain motionless or steady on the feet.5. to take a position or place as indicated: to stand aside.6. to remain firm or steadfast, as in a cause.7. to take up or maintain a position or attitude with respect to a person, issue, or the like: to stand as sponsor for a person.8. to have or adopt a certain policy, course, or attitude, as of adherence, support, opposition, or resistance: He stands for free trade.9. (of things) to be in an upright or vertical position, be set on end, or rest on or as on a support.10. to be set, placed, fixed, located, or situated: The building stands at 34th Street and 5th Avenue.11. (of an account, score, etc.) to show, be, or remain as indicated; show the specified position of the parties concerned: The score stood 18 to 14 at the half.12. to remain erect or whole; resist change, decay, or destruction (often fol. by up): The ruins still stand. The old building stood up well.13. to continue in force or remain valid: The agreement stands as signed.14. to remain still, stationary, or unused: The bicycle stood in the basement all winter.15. to be or become stagnant, as water.16. (of persons or things) to be or remain in a specified state, condition, relation, relative position, etc.: He stood in jeopardy of losing his license.17. to have the possibility or likelihood: He stands to gain a sizable profit through the sale of the house.19. Naut.a. to take or hold a particular course at sea.b. to move in a certain direction: to stand offshore.20. (of a male domestic animal, esp. a stud) to be available as a sire, usually for a fee: Three Derby winners are now standing in Kentucky.v.t.21. to cause to stand; set upright; set: Stand the chair by the lamp.22. to face or encounter: to stand an assault.23. to undergo or submit to: to stand trial.24. to endure or undergo without harm or damage or without giving way: His eyes are strong enough to stand the glare.25. to endure or tolerate: She can't stand her father.26. to treat or pay for: I'll stand you to a drink when the manuscript is in.27. to perform the duty of or participate in as part of one's job or duty: to stand watch aboard ship.28. stand a chance or show, to have a chance or possibility, esp. of winning or surviving: He's a good shortstop but doesn't stand a chance of making the major leagues because he can't hit.29. stand by,a. to uphold; support: She stood by him whenever he was in trouble.b. to adhere to (an agreement, promise, etc.); affirm: She stood by her decision despite her sister's arguments.c. to stand ready; wait: Please stand by while I fix this antenna.d. to get ready to speak, act, etc., as at the beginning of a radio or television program.e. to be ready to board a plane, train, or other transport if accommodations become available at the last minute.30. stand down,a. Law. to leave the witness stand.b. to step aside; withdraw, as from a competition: I agreed to stand down so that she could run for the nomination unopposed.c. to leave or take out of active work or service: to stand down some of the ships in the fleet.31. stand for,a. to represent; symbolize: P.S. stands for "postscript."b. to advocate; favor: He stands for both freedom and justice.c. Informal. to tolerate; allow: I won't stand for any nonsense!32. stand in with,a. to be in association or conspiracy with.b. to enjoy the favor of; be on friendly terms with.33. stand off,a. to keep or stay at a distance.b. to put off; evade.34. stand on,a. to depend on; rest on: The case stands on his testimony.b. to be particular about; demand: to stand on ceremony.c. Naut. to maintain a course and speed.35. stand out,a. to project; protrude: The piers stand out from the harbor wall.b. to be conspicuous or prominent: She stands out in a crowd.c. to persist in opposition or resistance; be inflexible.d. Naut. to maintain a course away from shore.36. stand over,a. to supervise very closely; watch constantly: He won't work unless someone stands over him.b. to put aside temporarily; postpone: to let a project stand over until the following year.38. stand to,a. to continue to hold; persist in: to stand to one's statement.c. to wait in readiness; stand by: Stand to for action.40. stand up,a. to come to or remain in a standing position: to stand up when being introduced.b. to remain strong, convincing, or durable: The case will never stand up in court. Wool stands up better than silk.c. Slang. to fail to keep an appointment with (someone, esp. a sweetheart or date): I waited for Kim for an hour before I realized I'd been stood up.41. stand up for,a. to defend the cause of; support: No one could understand why he stood up for an incorrigible criminal.42. stand up to, to meet or deal with fearlessly; confront: to stand up to a bully.n.43. the act of standing; an assuming of or a remaining in an upright position.44. a cessation of motion; halt or stop.45. a determined effort for or against something, esp. a final defensive effort: Custer's last stand.46. a determined policy, position, attitude, etc., taken or maintained: We must take a stand on political issues.47. the place in which a person or thing stands; station.49. a raised platform, as for a speaker, a band, or the like.51. a framework on or in which articles are placed for support, exhibition, etc.: a hat stand.52. a piece of furniture of various forms, on or in which to put articles (often used in combination): a nightstand; a washstand.53. a small, light table.54. a stall, booth, counter, or the like, where articles are displayed for sale or where some business is carried on: a fruit stand.55. newsstand: The papers usually hit the stands at 5 A.M.56. a site or location for business: After 20 years the ice-cream vendor was still at the same stand.57. a place or station occupied by vehicles available for hire: a taxicab stand.58. the vehicles occupying such a place.59. the growing trees, or those of a particular species or grade, in a given area.60. a standing growth, as of grass, wheat, etc.61. a halt of a theatrical company on tour, to give a performance or performances: a series of one-night stands on the strawhat trail.62. the town at which a touring theatrical company gives a performance.64. Metalworking. a rolling unit in a rolling mill.65. Chiefly Brit. a complete set of arms or accoutrements for one soldier.66. take the stand, to testify in a courtroom.[bef. 900; ME standen (v.), OE standan; c. OS standan, MD standen, OHG stantan, standa, standan; akin to L stare to stand, sistere, Gk histánai to make stand, Skt stha to stand, OIr at-tá (he) is]
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(as used in expressions)Custer's Last Standlet the decision standWatie Stand* * *
Universalium. 2010.