
/stayd/, n. Geol.
a period of time represented by a glacial deposit.
Also, stadial.
[1530-40; < MF (earlier estade) < L stadium; see STADIUM]

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      city, Lower Saxony Land (state), northwestern Germany. It lies along the Schwinge River, 3 miles (5 km) from its junction with the Elbe River, below Hamburg. The traditional seat of district administration and once the leading port of the lower Elbe, it was chartered in the 12th century and was a member of the Hanseatic League. Under Swedish rule from 1648 to 1712, it then passed to Denmark and in 1715 to Hanover.

      Much of the old town, rebuilt and fortified by the Swedes, is still surrounded by its moat; now the modern business centre, it is dominated by the Gothic churches of St. Wilhadi and St. Cosmae and the half-timbered buildings of the old Swedish military establishment. The city's museums contain remains of the early Germanic period that were preserved in the nearby peat bogs. Stade is served by rail and sea communications, and its industries include shipbuilding, oil refining, and the production of food and chemicals. Pop. (1989 est.) 41,223.

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Universalium. 2010.

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