Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Southern Christian Leadership Conference
a civil-rights organization founded in 1957 by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Abbr.: SCLC, S.C.L.C.

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American organization
 nonsectarian American agency with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, established by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. (King, Martin Luther, Jr.), and his followers in 1957 to coordinate and assist local organizations working for the full equality of African Americans in all aspects of American life. The organization operated primarily in the South and some border states, conducting leadership-training programs, citizen-education projects, and voter-registration drives. The SCLC played a major part in the civil rights (civil rights movement) march on Washington, D.C., in 1963 and in notable antidiscrimination and voter-registration efforts in Albany, Georgia, and Birmingham and Selma, Alabama, in the early 1960scampaigns that spurred passage of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

      After King was assassinated in April 1968, his place as president was taken by the Reverend Ralph David Abernathy (Abernathy, Ralph David). The SCLC maintained its philosophy of nonviolent social change, but, having lost its founder, it soon ceased to mount giant demonstrations and confined itself to smaller campaigns, predominantly in the South. The organization was further weakened by several schisms, including the departure in 1971 of the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson (Jackson, Jesse) and his followers who had staffed Operation Breadbasket in Chicago, which was directed toward economic goals.

      The SCLC nonetheless sustained its mission by organizing voter drives and cultivating African American political candidates. It also lobbied for the designation of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday (see Martin Luther King, Jr., Day). The SCLC has published the SCLC Magazine since 1971.

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  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) — U.S. nonsectarian agency founded by Martin Luther King, Jr. , and others in 1957 to assist local organizations working for equal rights for African Americans. Operating primarily in the South, it conducted leadership training programs, citizen… …   Universalium

  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference — a civil rights organization founded in 1957 by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Abbr.: SCLC, S.C.L.C …   Useful english dictionary

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