
Gyum·ri (-o͝omʹrē, gyo͝om-rēʹ) or Ku·may·ri (ko͞o-māʹrē, --rēʹ)
A city of northwest Armenia south-southeast of Tbilisi, Georgia. It was founded on the site of a Turkish fortress. From 1924 to 1990 the city was called Leninakan. Population: 206,600.

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also spelled  Kumayri , (192490)  Leninakan , or (until 1924)  Alexandropol 

      city, western Armenia. It is believed to have been founded by the Greeks in 401 BC, but it did not have a continuous existence. A fortress was constructed on the site by the Russians in 1837, and in 1840 the town of Alexandropol was founded nearby. Alexandropol was a trading and administrative centre but subsequently underwent industrial development and was renamed Leninakan for the Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin in 1924. Leninakan was severely damaged by an earthquake that devastated northwestern Armenia on Dec. 7, 1988. Almost all of the city's multistory buildings collapsed, killing thousands and leaving many others homeless.

      Gyumri is now the second city of Armenia in both industry and population and is the republic's major textile centre. There are also engineering industries, including the manufacture of bicycles and scientific instruments, and food and other light industries, and the city is an important centre for machine building. There is a teacher-training institute. Pop. (1989) 120,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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