
/sawr"euhs, sohr"-/, n., pl. sori /sawr"uy, sohr"uy/.
1. Bot. one of the clusters of sporangia on the back of the fronds of ferns. See diag. under fern.
2. Mycol. a soruslike spore mass of certain fungi and lichens.
[1825-35; < NL < Gk sorós heap]

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plant anatomy

      in botany, brownish or yellowish cluster of spore-producing structures (sporangia) usually located on the lower surface of fern leaves. A sorus may be protected during development by a scale or flap of tissue called an indusium. In rust and smut fungi, a sorus is a spore mass produced on the leaf of an infected plant. Reproductive structures called sori also occur in various species of marine algae. See also spore.

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