
solitarily, adv.solitariness, n.
/sol"i ter'ee/, adj., n., pl. solitaries.
1. alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by.
2. living alone; avoiding the society of others: a solitary existence.
3. by itself; alone: one solitary house.
4. characterized by the absence of companions: a solitary journey.
5. done without assistance or accompaniment; done in solitude: solitary chores.
6. being the only one: a solitary exception.
7. characterized by solitude, as a place; unfrequented, secluded, or lonely: a solitary cabin in the woods.
8. Zool. living habitually alone or in pairs, as certain wasps. Cf. social (def. 10).
9. a person who lives alone or in solitude, or avoids the society of others.
10. a person who lives in solitude from religious motives.
[1300-50; ME < L solitarius alone, by itself, solitary, equiv. to solit(as) solitude (sol(us) SOLE1 + -itas -ITY) + -arius -ARY]
Syn. 1. lone. 7. isolated, retired, sequestered, remote. 9, 10. hermit, recluse. 10. eremite.

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