
sociometric /soh'see euh me"trik, soh'shee-/, adj.sociometrist, n.
/soh'see om"i tree, soh'shee-/, n.
the measurement of attitudes of social acceptance or rejection through expressed preferences among members of a social grouping.
[1930-35; SOCIO- + -METRY]

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      measurement techniques used in social psychology, in sociology, and sometimes in social anthropology and psychiatry based on the assessment of social choice and interpersonal attractiveness. The term is closely associated with the work of the Austrian-born psychiatrist J.L. Moreno, who developed the method as a research and therapeutic technique. Sociometry has come to have several meanings; it is most commonly applied to the quantitative treatment of preferential interpersonal relations, but it is also used to mean the quantitative treatment of all kinds of interpersonal relations. The emphasis may be psychological or sociological.

      A sociometric measure assesses the attractions (or repulsions) within a given group. The basic technique involves asking all group members to identify specific persons within the group they would prefer (or would not prefer) to have as partners in a given activity. Many variations on this technique exist for studying different aspects of social preference. For example, a group's networking structure can be exposed through the sociometric technique of recording all interactions between group members. The technique can also be applied on larger scale to reveal interorganizational networks by treating organizations as individual units.

      Much work has focused on the concept of sociometric status. This includes studies of leadership; of social adjustment, ranging from the social isolate (or unchosen individual) to the sociometric star (or highly chosen); of the relationship between sociometric status and other personality variables, demographic variables, and intelligence; and of minority-group prejudice.

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Universalium. 2010.

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