snow goose

snow goose
a white North American wild goose, previously classified as the species Chen hyperborea but now considered the light color phase of the blue goose, C. caerulescens.
[1765-75, Amer.]

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 a species of North American goose that may be either white or dark with black wingtips and pink legs and a bill with black gape (“grin”), belonging to the family Anatidae (order Anseriformes (anseriform)). Two subspecies are recognized. The lesser snow goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) breeds in the Arctic and usually migrates to California and Japan. The greater snow goose (C.c. atlantica) breeds in northwestern Greenland and nearby islands and winters on the east coast of the United States from Chesapeake Bay to North Carolina, especially at Pea Island in the Outer Banks.

      The blue goose, with bluish gray body plumage, white head and neck and, sometimes, white breast and belly, was long separated from C. caerulescens but is now recognized as a dark-coloured phase of the lesser snow goose. The two colour forms mate with each other, and the young can be either colour or both.

      The snow goose's bill, described asa combination nutcracker and serrated knife,” allows the snow goose to feed on seeds, leaves, and roots of wild grasses, sedges, and bulrushes.

      Snow geese are thought to mate for life. They nest in colonies on ridges or hummocks selected by the female and build their nests in a shallow depression from bulky grasses lined with down by the male. The whitish eggs (egg) may number up to eight, but, in very cold Arctic summers, snow geese may raise few young.

      Overhunting reduced snow goose numbers to only a few thousand by 1900, but since the mid-20th century the population has increased to five million. Today in some Arctic areas these geese are so numerous they are seriously overgrazing their tundra habitat.

      Snow geese are very similar to the gray geese (genus Anser) and are sometimes placed in the same genus, but most taxonomists consider snow geese to belong to the genus Chen.

Sy Montgomery

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  • snow goose — snow′ goose n. orn a white North American goose, Chen caerulescens, with black primary feathers • Etymology: 1765–75, amer …   From formal English to slang

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  • snow goose — noun blue goose in the white color phase • Hypernyms: ↑blue goose, ↑Chen caerulescens * * * noun : a wild goose of the genus Chen (C. caerulescens) that is usually white with blackish primaries and a reddish or pinkish bill but exists in a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Snow Goose — snieginė žąsis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Anser caerulesceus angl. Snow Goose vok. Schneegans …   Paukščių anatomijos terminai

  • snow goose — snieginė žąsis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Anser caerulescens; Chen caerulescens angl. snow goose vok. Schneegans, f rus. белый гусь, m pranc. oie des neiges, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – tikrosios žąsys …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

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  • snow goose — noun Date: 1771 a North American goose (Chen caerulescens syn. Anser caerulescens) that has a pinkish bill and exists either as a white form with black primaries or as a grayish black form with a white head …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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