Snake River

Snake River
a river flowing from NW Wyoming through S Idaho into the Columbia River in SE Washington: Shoshone Falls. 1038 mi. (1670 km) long.

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River, northwestern U.S. It is the largest tributary of the Columbia River and one of the most important streams in the Pacific Northwest.

It rises in the mountains of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and flows south through Idaho 1,040 mi (1,670 km) to enter the Columbia in southeastern Washington. The lower Snake flows through Hells Canyon, the deepest river gorge in North America.

The lower Snake River in Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, between Oregon and Idaho.

Greg Vaughn/Tom Stack & Associates

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 largest tributary of the Columbia River and one of the most important streams in the Pacific Northwest section of the United States. It rises in the mountains of the Continental Divide near the southeastern corner of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and flows south through Jackson Lake along the eastern base of the Teton Range in Grand Teton National Park. Swinging northwest near the mouth of Greys River, it enters Idaho through the Palisades Reservoir. Near Heise the river leaves the mountains and crosses the broad Snake River Plain of southern Idaho, an area covered by lava beds. On the western edge of the state, it is joined by the Boise River. Turning north, it forms the OregonIdaho boundary for 216 mi (348 km). From the northeastern corner of Oregon it forms the Washington-Idaho boundary to Lewiston, Idaho, and then turns west to join the Columbia just south of Pasco, Wash., after a course of 1,040 miles (1,670 km).

      Runoff from the states of Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington combines in the Snake, which has a drainage basin of 109,000 square miles (282,000 square km). From elevations of 10,000 feet (3,000 m), the river descends to 300 feet (90 m).

      The upper Snake River, above King Hill, Idaho, is used for irrigation and hydropower. The main stream is regulated by several dams and reservoirs, the most expansive being American Fall Dam and Reservoir. In 1976 the Teton Dam collapsed, causing disastrous flooding of the upper Snake River valley. Principal tributaries below Heise are Henrys Fork (the largest), Blackfoot, Portneuf, Raft, and Big Wood rivers. Henrys Fork and Big Wood enter the Snake River from the north. Other northern side streams sink into the Snake River Plain and become part of an immense underground reservoir. Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls, with drops of 65 and 212 feet (20 and 65 m), respectively, are located near Twin Falls city, downstream from Milner Dam.

      The middle Snake River, from King Hill to Weiser, Idaho, is used primarily for hydroelectric generation. Most of the irrigation in this section is from tributary streams, principally the Payette, Owyhee, Malheur, and Boise rivers.

 The lower Snake River, from Weiser to the mouth, flows through a gorge 1 mile (1.6 km) deep known as Hells Canyon (q.v.), the deepest river gorge in North America (see photograph—>). The Salmon River, its largest tributary, joins the Snake near the downstream end of the canyon section.

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