
smartingly, adv.smartly, adv.smartness, n.
/smahrt/, v., adj., smarter, smartest, adv., n.
1. to be a source of sharp, local, and usually superficial pain, as a wound.
2. to be the cause of a sharp, stinging pain, as an irritating application, a blow, etc.
3. to feel a sharp, stinging pain, as in a wound.
4. to suffer keenly from wounded feelings: She smarted under their criticism.
5. to feel shame or remorse or to suffer in punishment or in return for something.
6. to cause a sharp pain to or in.
7. quick or prompt in action, as persons.
8. having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability: a smart student.
9. shrewd or sharp, as a person in dealing with others or as in business dealings: a smart businessman.
10. clever, witty, or readily effective, as a speaker, speech, rejoinder, etc.
11. dashingly or impressively neat or trim in appearance, as persons, dress, etc.
12. socially elegant; sophisticated or fashionable: the smart crowd.
13. saucy; pert: smart remarks.
14. sharply brisk, vigorous, or active: to walk with smart steps.
15. sharply severe, as a blow, stroke, etc.
16. sharp or keen: a smart pain.
17. Informal. equipped with, using, or containing electronic control devices, as computer systems, microprocessors, or missiles: a smart phone; a smart copier.
18. Computers. intelligent (def. 4).
19. Older Use. considerable; fairly large.
20. in a smart manner; smartly.
21. a sharp local pain, usually superficial, as from a wound, blow, or sting.
22. keen mental suffering, as from wounded feelings, affliction, grievous loss, etc.
23. smarts, Slang. intelligence; common sense: He never had the smarts to use his opportunities.
[bef. 1050; (v.) ME smerten, OE -smeortan (only in the compound fyrsmeortende painful like fire), c. OHG smerzan (G schmerzen); (adj.) ME smerte, smart quick, prompt, sharp, orig., biting, smarting, late OE smearte, akin to the v.; (adv. and n.) ME smerte, deriv. of the adj.]
Syn. 1. pain, hurt, sting. 7. lively, nimble, agile, alert, active. 8. bright, sharp, expert, adroit. 9. cunning, adept. 11. spruce; pretentious, showy. 12. chic. 14. energetic. 16. stinging, poignant, penetrating.
Ant. 8. stupid.

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