sloth bear

sloth bear
a coarse-haired, long-snouted bear, Ursus ursinus, of India and Indochina: now rare.

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also called  honey bear , Hindi  bhalu  
  forest-dwelling member of the family Ursidae that inhabits tropical or subtropical regions of India and Sri Lanka. Named for its slow-moving habits, the sloth bear has poor senses of sight and hearing but has a good sense of smell. Various adaptations equip this nocturnal animal for raiding insect colonies. With long, curved front claws (extending from large paws), it digs toward and rips open a nest of bees or termites. Inserting its long snout into the nest and closing its nostrils (thereby preventing entry of insects into its respiratory passages), the sloth bear opens its protrusible lips and sucks in the insects through the gap caused by the lack of central upper incisors. Supplements to this diet include fruit, honey, grains, and small vertebrates.

      An adult usually stands about 75 cm (30 inches) at the shoulder, weighs 91113 kg (200250 pounds), and is about 1.5 m (5 feet) long, with a 712-centimetre tail. Shades of gray, red, or brown may tinge its black, shaggy coat, composed of long hairslongest between the shoulders. Whitish to yellowish coloured hair marks its snout and forms a crescent or chevron on its chest.

      Following the normal gestation period of seven months, the female bears a litter of one to three cubs. Reportedly remaining with her two to three years, these cubs often ride around on their mother's back.

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  • sloth bear — ilgalūpis lokys statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Melursus ursinus angl. Indian bear; sloth bear vok. Lippenbär rus. губач; медведь губач pranc. ours de à longues lèvres; ours de l’Inde ryšiai:… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

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  • sloth bear — noun a shaggy coated Indian bear with long curved claws, noted for hanging upside down like a sloth. [Melursus ursinus.] …   English new terms dictionary

  • sloth bear — noun A nocturnal bear living in the South Asia. Syn: lip bear …   Wiktionary

  • sloth bear — noun Date: 1835 a forest dwelling bear (Melurus ursinus) of India and adjacent regions that has long black hair, very large claws, and a long snout and that feeds chiefly on insects …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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