
/skun"deuh/, n.
the Hindu god of war. Cf. Karttikeya.

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Hindu deity
also called  Kārttikeya, Kumāra, or Subrahmaṇya,  

      Hindu god of war and the first-born son of Śiva (Shiva) (Shiva). The many legends giving the circumstances of his birth are often at variance with one another. One account is given by Kālidāsa (4th and 5th centuries AD) in his epic poem Kumārasaṃbhava (“The Birth of the War God”). The versions all generally agree that the gods wished for Skanda to be born in order to destroy the demon Tāraka, who had been granted a boon that he could only be killed by a son of Śiva. Śiva, however, was lost in meditation and was not attracted to Pārvatī until struck by an arrow from the bow of Kāma, the god of love. After the many years of abstinence Śiva's seed was so strong that the gods feared the result, and some accounts say it was deposited into the fire (from which comes the name Skanda, in Sanskrit:Spurt of Semen”).

      One tradition has it that Skanda was reared by, or was even the son of, the Kṛttikās, six wives of ṛṣis who as stars make up the Pleiades, hence the name Kārttikeya (“Son of Kṛttikās”). He developed his six faces to drink the milk of his six nurses. His relationship with Pārvatī is also acknowledged, and he is often depicted in painting and sculpture as a six-headed child held by his mother, Pārvatī, and accompanied by his brother Gaṇeśa. He is called Kumāra (Sankskrit:Youth,” “Boy”) because he is generally considered to have never married and in Yoga represents the power of chastity. He has enormous strength and leads the army of the gods. When he planted his spear in the earth, none could budge it save the god Vishnu, and then mountains and rivers shook.

      In South India, where the god originated as Murugaṉ before merging with the North Indian Skanda, he has a large following under the name Subrahmaṇya (“dear to the Brāhmaṇas”); his temples or shrines are found in every village, no matter how small.

      Skanda is often represented in sculpture with either six heads or one, holding a spear or bow and arrows, and either riding on or accompanied by his mount, the peacock.

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