- sir
/serr/, n.1. a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir.4. a lord or gentleman: noble sirs and ladies.5. an ironic or humorous title of respect: sir critic.6. Archaic. a title of respect used before a noun to designate profession, rank, etc.: sir priest; sir clerk.[1250-1300; ME; unstressed var. of SIRE]
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(as used in expressions)Abbott Sir John Joseph CaldwellAhmad Khan Sir SayyidAllbutt Sir Thomas CliffordAlma Tadema Sir LawrenceAmis Sir Kingsley WilliamAndros Sir EdmundArkwright Sir RichardAshton Sir Frederick William MallandaineAttenborough Sir David FrederickAyckbourn Sir AlanAyer Sir Alfred JulesBanerjea Sir SurendranathBanks Sir JosephBannister Sir Roger GilbertBanting Sir Frederick GrantBarrie Sir James MatthewBartlett Sir Frederic CharlesBarton Sir Derek Harold RichardBax Sir Arnold Edward TrevorBayliss Sir William MaddockBeaton Sir Cecil Walter HardyBeecham Sir ThomasBeerbohm Sir Henry MaximilianBentham Sir SamuelBerkeley Sir WilliamBerlin Sir IsaiahBessemer Sir HenryBetjeman Sir JohnBing Sir RudolfBirtwistle Sir Harrison PaulBlack Sir James WhyteBlackstone Sir WilliamBliss Sir Arthur Edward DrummondBogarde Sir DirkBorden Sir Frederick WilliamBorden Sir Robert LairdBowman Sir WilliamBragg Sir William HenryBrook Sir Peter Stephen PaulBrowne Sir ThomasBrunel Sir Marc IsambardBurne Jones Sir Edward ColeyBurnet Sir Frank MacfarlaneBurt Sir Cyril LodowicBurton Sir Richard FrancisCampbell Bannerman Sir HenryCarteret Sir GeorgeCartier Sir George Étienne BaronetCasement Sir Roger DavidCayley Sir GeorgeChain Sir Ernst BorisChamberlain Sir Joseph AustenSir Charles Spencer ChaplinCheke Sir JohnCheyne Sir William WatsonChurchill Sir Winston Leonard SpencerClinton Sir HenryCockburn Sir Alexander James Edmund 10th BaronetCoke Sir EdwardConan Doyle Sir ArthurConnery Sir SeanCorrigan Sir Dominic JohnCotton Sir Robert BruceCoward Sir Noë l PeirceCraig Sir James HenryCripps Sir Richard StaffordCrowe Sir Eyre Alexander Barby WichartCunard Sir Samuel 1st BaronetCurrie Sir Arthur WilliamDavenant Sir WilliamDavies Sir Peter MaxwellDavis Sir Colin RexDavy Sir HumphryDe Havilland Sir GeoffreyDewar Sir JamesDilke Sir Charles Wentworth 2nd BaronetDolin Sir AntonDouglas Sir JamesDrake Sir FrancisDummett Sir Michael Anthony EardleyEddington Sir Arthur StanleyElgar Sir Edward WilliamEmpson Sir WilliamEpstein Sir JacobEtherege Sir GeorgeEvans Sir Arthur JohnEvans Pritchard Sir Edward EvanFairbairn Sir WilliamFisher Sir Ronald AylmerFleming Sir AlexanderFortescue Sir JohnFrazer Sir James GeorgeFrobisher Sir MartinFrost Sir David ParadineGalt Sir Alexander TillochGalton Sir FrancisGalway Sir JamesGielgud Sir Arthur JohnGilbert Sir HumphreyGilbert Sir William SchwenckGolding Sir William GeraldGollancz Sir VictorGorges Sir FerdinandoGosse Sir EdmundGrenfell Sir Wilfred ThomasonGrey Sir Edward 3rd BaronetGrierson Sir George AbrahamGrove Sir GeorgeGuinness de Cuffe Sir AlecGull Sir William WitheyGuthrie Sir William TyroneHaggard Sir Henry RiderHale Sir MatthewHaley Sir William JohnHall Sir JamesHall Sir Peter Reginald FrederickHarden Sir ArthurHarris Sir Arthur Travers 1st BaronetHarrison Sir RexHawkins Sir JohnHeath Sir Edward Richard GeorgeHelpmann Sir Robert MurrayHicks Sir John RichardHillary Sir Edmund PercivalHitchcock Sir AlfredHopkins Sir AnthonyHopkins Sir Frederick GowlandHoyle Sir FredHughes Sir SamuelHuxley Sir Julian SorellIqbal Sir MuhammadIrving Sir HenryJameson Sir Leander StarrJeans Sir James HopwoodJeffreys Sir HaroldJohn Sir Elton HerculesJohnson Sir William 1st BaronetJones Sir WilliamKendrew Sir John CowderyKorda Sir AlexanderKrebs Sir Hans AdolfLaFontaine Sir Louis Hippolyte BaronetLandseer Sir Edwin HenryLaurier Sir WilfridLean Sir DavidLiddell Hart Sir Basil HenryLipton Sir Thomas JohnstoneLittleton Sir ThomasLovell Sir Alfred Charles BernardLutyens Sir Edwin LandseerLyell Sir CharlesMacdonald Sir John AlexanderMackenzie Sir AlexanderMackenzie Sir Edward Montague ComptonMackenzie Sir JamesMacMillan Sir KennethMaine Sir Henry James SumnerMalory Sir ThomasMandeville Sir JohnMaxim Sir Hiram StevensMcCartney Sir James PaulMcKellen Sir Ian MurrayMedawar Sir Peter BrianMenzies Sir Robert GordonMillais Sir John EverettMorgan Sir HenryMosley Sir Oswald Ernald 6th BaronetMurray Sir James Augustus HenryNaipaul Sir Vidiadhar SurajprasadNewton Sir IsaacNolan Sir SidneyNurse Sir Paul M.Osler Sir WilliamPaget Sir JamesParsons Sir Charles AlgernonPeel Sir Robert 2nd BaronetPetrie Sir William Matthew FlindersPetty Sir WilliamPevsner Sir NikolausPinero Sir Arthur WingPollock Sir Frederick 3rd BaronetPopper Sir Karl RaimundPoynings Sir EdwardPride Sir ThomasPringle Sir JohnPritchett Sir Victor SawdonQuiller Couch Sir Arthur ThomasRaeburn Sir HenryRaffles Sir Thomas StamfordRaleigh Sir WalterRaman Sir Chandrasekhara VenkataRattigan Sir Terence MervynRedgrave Sir Michael ScudamoreReed Sir CarolReynolds Sir JoshuaRichardson Sir Ralph DavidRoberts Sir Charles George DouglasRoss Sir RonaldRoss Sir William DavidRyle Sir MartinSabine Sir EdwardScott Sir Peter MarkhamScott Sir Walter 1st BaronetShackleton Sir Ernest HenrySherrington Sir Charles ScottSidney Sir PhilipSiemens Sir Charles WilliamSimpson Sir James YoungSoane Sir JohnSolti Sir GeorgSopwith Sir Thomas Octave MurdochSpender Sir Stephen HaroldStanley Sir Henry MortonSteele Sir RichardStephen Sir James Fitzjames 1st BaronetStephen Sir LeslieStirling Sir James FrazerStoppard Sir TomSuckling Sir JohnSullivan Sir Arthur SeymourSwan Sir Joseph WilsonTaylor Sir Geoffrey IngramTemple Sir WilliamTenniel Sir JohnThomson Sir Joseph JohnTippett Sir Michael KempTree Sir Herbert Draper BeerbohmTutu Sir Desmond MpiloTylor Sir Edward BurnettUstinov Sir Peter AlexanderVan Dyck Sir AnthonyVanbrugh Sir JohnVane Sir HenrySir Henry Vane the YoungerWallace William SirWallis Sir Barnes NevilleWalpole Sir Hugh SeymourWalsingham Sir FrancisWalton Sir William TurnerWatson Watt Sir Robert AlexanderWelensky Sir RoyWhittle Sir FrankWhitworth Sir JosephWodehouse Sir Pelham GrenvilleWren Sir ChristopherWright Sir Almroth EdwardSir ThomasYounghusband Sir Francis EdwardBulwer Sir William Henry Lytton EarleDouglas Home Sir AlecHoare Sir Samuel John Gurney 2nd Baronet* * *
Universalium. 2010.