
/si nahn"/, n.
1489?-1587, Turkish architect, esp. of mosques.

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Ottoman architect
also called  Mimar Sinan (“Architect Sinan”) , or  Mimar Koca Sinan (“Great Architect Sinan”) 
born April 15, 1489, Ağırnaz, Turkey
died July 17, 1588, Constantinople [now Istanbul]
 most celebrated of all Ottoman architects, whose ideas, perfected in the construction of mosques (mosque) and other buildings, served as the basic themes for virtually all later Turkish religious and civic architecture.

      The son of Greek Orthodox Christian parents, Sinan entered his father's trade as a stone mason and carpenter. In 1512, however, officials of the Ottoman government entered his village for the purpose of drafting Christian youths into the Janissary corps. Sinan, whose Christian name was Joseph, was chosen, and he began a lifelong service to the Ottoman royal house and to the great sultan Süleyman I (reigned 152066) in particular. Following a period of schooling and rigorous training, Sinan became a construction officer in the Ottoman army, eventually rising to chief of the artillery.

      He first revealed his talents as an architect in the 1530s by designing and building military bridges and fortifications. In 1539 he completed his first nonmilitary building, and for the remaining 40 years of his life he was to work as the chief architect of the Ottoman Empire at a time when it was at the zenith of its political power and cultural brilliance. The number of projects Sinan undertook is massive79 mosques, 34 palaces, 33 public baths, 19 tombs, 55 schools, 16 poorhouses, 7 madrasahs (religious schools), and 12 caravansaries, in addition to granaries, fountains, aqueducts, and hospitals. His three most famous works are the Şehzade Mosque and the Mosque of Süleyman I the Magnificent, both of which are in Istanbul, and the Selim Mosque at Edirne.

      Sinan's first truly important architectural commission was the Şehzade Mosque, which was completed in 1548 and which Sinan regarded as the best work of his apprenticeship. Like many of his mosque constructions, the Şehzade Mosque has a square base upon which rests a large central dome flanked by four half domes and numerous smaller, subsidiary domes.

      The Mosque of Süleyman in Istanbul was constructed in the years 155057 and is considered by many scholars to be his finest work. It was based on the design of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a 6th-century masterpiece of Byzantine architecture that greatly influenced Sinan. The Mosque of Süleyman has a massive central dome that is pierced by 32 openings, thus giving the dome the effect of lightness while also copiously illuminating the mosque's interior. It is one of the largest mosques ever built in the Ottoman Empire. Besides the place of worship, it contains a vast social complex comprising four madrasahs, a large hospital and medical school, a kitchen-refectory, and baths, shops, and stables.

      Sinan himself considered the Mosque of Selim (Selim, Mosque of) at Edirne, built in the years 156975, to be his masterwork. This mosque is the culmination of his centralized-domed plans, the great central dome rising on eight massive piers in between which are impressive recessed arcades. The dome is framed by the four loftiest minarets in Turkey.

      Starting with the Byzantine church as a model, Sinan adapted the designs of his mosques to meet the needs of Muslim worship, which requires large open spaces for common prayer. As a result, the huge central dome became the focal point around which the design of the rest of the structure was developed. Sinan pioneered the use of smaller domes, half domes, and buttresses to lead the eye up the mosque's exterior to the central dome at its apex, and he used tall, slender minarets at the corners to frame the entire structure. This plan could yield striking exterior effects, as in the dramatic facade of the Selim Mosque. Sinan was able to convey a sense of size and power in all of his larger buildings. Many scholars consider his tomb monuments to be the finest examples of his smaller works.

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