
/sil"yeuh reez'/,
a British Celtic tribe resident in southeastern Wales at the time of the Roman conquest of Britain.

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      a powerful people of ancient Britain, occupying much of southeastern Wales. Incited by the king of the Trinovantes tribe, Caratacus, they fiercely resisted the Roman (ancient Rome) conquest from about AD 48. A Roman legionary fortress was established first at Glevum (Gloucester) and later at Isca (Caerleon), and by 78 the Silures were overcome by Sextus Julius Frontinus (73/7477). Their capital had been a hill fort, Llanmelin, but the Romans forcibly transferred the inhabitants about 1 mile (1.6 km) south to a new town, built in the rectangular Roman pattern. This new town under the Romans was Venta Silurum (Caerwent, southwest of Chepstow, Monmouthshire). Its massive Roman walls survive, and excavations have revealed a basilica, baths, and an amphitheatre; there is little sign of Romanization outside Caerwent.

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