
/silt"stohn'/, n. Petrog.
a very fine-grained sandstone, mainly consolidated silt.
[1925-30; SILT + STONE]

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Hardened sedimentary rock that is composed primarily of angular silt-sized particles (see silt) and that is not laminated or easily split into thin layers.

Siltstones, which are hard and durable, occur in thin layers rarely thick enough to be classified as formations. They are intermediate between sandstones and shales but are not as common as either.

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      hardened sedimentary rock that is composed primarily of angular silt-sized particles (0.0039 to 0.063 mm [0.00015 to 0.0025 inch] in diameter) and is not laminated or easily split into thin layers. Siltstones, which are hard and durable, occur in thin layers rarely thick enough to be classified as formations.

      Siltstones are intermediate between sandstones and shales (shale) but are not so common as either. They contain less alumina, potash, and water than shales but more silica; in addition to mica, they may contain abundant chlorite and other micaceous clay minerals. Although many shales contain more than 50 percent silt, not all are siltstones; siltstones differ from these shales in that they commonly are chemically cemented and show such features as cross-bedding (i.e., lamination inclined to the main bedding plane), cut-and-fill structures, and flowage within a layer. See also mudstone.

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Universalium. 2010.

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