
/suy"lij/, n.
fodder preserved through fermentation in a silo; ensilage.
[1880-85; shortening of ENSILAGE, influenced by SILO]

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Forage plants such as corn, legumes, and grasses that have been harvested at early maturity, finely chopped, packed tightly to exclude air, and stored in tower silos, pits, or trenches.

Properly stored silage ferments slightly and keeps for several months. It is used as animal feed.

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also called  ensilage 

      forage plants such as corn (maize), legumes, and grasses that have been chopped and stored in tower silos, pits, or trenches for use as animal feed. Since protein content decreases and fibre content increases as the crop matures, forage, like hay, should be harvested in early maturity. The green material should be chopped fine enough to assure good packing and the exclusion of air from the mass of chopped material. A high moisture content in the ensiled material facilitates compaction and the exclusion of air. However, excess moisture (above 70 percent) seeps away and carries valuable nutrients with it. Excess moisture in the silo may also interfere with the fermentation processes that produce the best quality silage. Under proper storage conditions the silage ferments slightly and keeps for several months.

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