
Seph. /see doohrdd"/; Ashk. /si"deuhrdd, si doordd"/; Eng. /sid"euhr/, n., pl. siddurim Seph. /see dooh rddeem"/; Ashk. /si doo"rddim/, Eng. siddurs. Hebrew.
a Jewish prayer book designed for use chiefly on days other than festivals and holy days; a daily prayer book. Cf. mahzor.
[siddur lit., arrangement]

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Hebreworderplural  siddurim , or  siddurs 

      Jewish prayer book, which contains the entire Jewish liturgy used on the ordinary sabbath and on weekdays for domestic as well as synagogue ritual. It is distinguished from the mahzor, which is the prayer book used for the High Holidays. The prayers and benedictions of a siddur breathe Old Testament sentiments of praise, thanksgiving, petition, intercession, acknowledgment of sin, and prayers for forgiveness; numerous short verses from the Psalms express these religious feelings. Because tradition long allowed the addition of new prayers and hymns (piyyutim) to voice contemporary needs and aspirations, the siddurim reflect Jewish religious history expressed in liturgy and prayers. Thus, the Exodus still remains the central theme of Passover, a symbol and a sign of hope and trust in God.

      Though a liturgy of prayer was long in use before the destruction of the Second Temple (AD 70), it was Amram bar Sheshna (9th century AD) of Babylonia who first composed a complete siddur at the request of a Spanish congregation. Variations persist in modern editions of siddurim because of ritual and denominational differences and local preferences for such things as non-obligatory prayers. But the basic elements are so unchanging that no siddur can be said to have lost its catholicity.

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Universalium. 2010.

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