
sibilance, sibilancy, n.sibilantly, adv.
/sib"euh leuhnt/, adj.
1. hissing.
2. Phonet. characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds like those spelled with s in this /dhis/, rose /rohz/, pressure /presh"euhr/, pleasure /plezh"euhr/, and certain similar uses of ch, sh, z, zh, etc.
3. Phonet. a sibilant consonant.
[1660-70; < L sibilant- (s. of sibilans), prp. of sibilare to hiss), equiv. to sibil(us) a hissing, whistling (of imit. orig.) + -ant- -ANT]

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      in phonetics, a fricative consonant sound, in which the tip, or blade, of the tongue is brought near the roof of the mouth and air is pushed past the tongue to make a hissing sound. In English s, z, sh, and zh (the sound of the s inpleasure”) are sibilants. Sometimes the affricates ch and j are also considered as sibilants. See also fricative.

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