
/see"euh mang'/, n.
a large, black gibbon, Hylobates syndactylus, of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, having very long arms and the second and third digits partially united by a web of skin: an endangered species.
[1815-25; < Malay]

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(Hylobates syndactylus) 
 arboreal ape of the gibbon family (Hylobatidae), found in the forests of Sumatra and Malaya. The siamang resembles other gibbons (gibbon) but is more robust. The siamang is also distinguished by the webbing between its second and third toes and by a dilatable hairless air sac in its throat. The air sac is used in producing a resonant, booming call. The siamang is about 5055 centimetres in head and body length. Its shaggy fur is completely black. Like the gibbon, the siamang is diurnal and arboreal and moves by brachiation, progressing from one point to another by swinging from its arms. It feeds mainly on fruit and has been observed to live alone or in small groups. The gestation period is about 230 days; births are typically single. Kloss' gibbon (H. klossi) is sometimes called a dwarf siamang; both it and the siamang were formerly classified in a separate genus, Symphalangus.

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