
/shuf"euhl bawrd', -bohrd'/, n.
1. a game in which standing players shove or push wooden or plastic disks with a long cue toward numbered scoring sections marked on a floor or deck.
2. the board or marked surface, as on a floor or deck, on which this game is played.
[1525-35; alter. of earlier shove board]

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Game in which two or four players use long-handled cues to shove disks into scoring areas of a diagram marked on a flat, smooth surface (6 × 52 ft [1.8 × 15.8 m]).

It was popular in England as early as the 15th century, especially with the aristocracy; it later became popular as a deck game among travelers on ocean liners and cruise ships. The current form of the game was defined at St. Petersburg, Fla., U.S., in 1924.

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also called  shovelboard ,  original name  shoveboard 

      game in which disks are shoved by hand or with an implement so that they come to a stop on or within a scoring area marked on the board or court (on a table, floor, or outdoor hard surface such as concrete). It was popular in England as early as the 15th century, especially with the aristocracy, under the names shovegroat, slide-groat, and shovel-penny. Some of the great country houses had boards of exquisite workmanship; that at Chartley Hall in Staffordshire was more than 30 feet (9 metres) long. Shove-ha'penny, a later version of shovel-penny, in which a coin or disk is pushed along a polished board so that it stops between closely ruled lines, is still a popular game in English pubs.

      In modern times, a modified form of the old indoor game became popular among travelers on ocean liners and cruise ships as a deck game. For the shipboard version, called shuffleboard, courts of various designs were marked on the deck, with lined sections at either end, numbered 1 to 10; the section nearest the player, called 10 off, reduced scores by 10.

      Shuffleboard was introduced about 1913 at Daytona Beach, Florida, as a game on land. The game was so popular that it spread rapidly through the United States, particularly in retirement communities, with each community devising its own rules of play. The modern form of shuffleboard was defined at St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1924.

      The rules adopted then, and later by the National Shuffleboard Association (founded 1931 at St. Petersburg), defined the size and shape of courts (concrete or terrazzo, 6 by 52 feet [1.8 by 15.8 metres]); the maximum length of the cues (6 feet 3 inches [190.5 cm]); the disks (either wood or composition, 1 by 6 inches [2.5 by 15 cm]; four red, four black); and methods of play and scoring. Shuffleboard may be played by two persons (singles) or four (doubles), shooting alternately with red and black disks. In singles, when eight shots have been made, players move to the opposite end of the court. In doubles, team players remain at the ends they occupy at the beginning of the game, though the play alternates as in singles. Game may be 50, 75, or 100 points, as players desire. To count, disks must be entirely within scoring sections, clearing all lines. In match play (best two out of three games), the second game is started with a black disk.

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  • shuffleboard — 1530s, shovillaborde shovel board, an unexplained alteration of shove board (1520s), from SHOVE (Cf. shove) + BOARD (Cf. board) (n.1). Originally a tabletop game (c.1600), the large scale version (1877) was invented for play on ocean liners …   Etymology dictionary

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  • shuffleboard — Shovelboard Shov el*board , n. 1. A board on which a game is played, by pushing or driving pieces of metal or money to reach certain marks; also, the game itself. Called also {shuffleboard}, {shoveboard}, {shovegroat}, {shovelpenny}. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • shuffleboard — noun Etymology: alteration of obsolete English shove board Date: 1836 1. a game in which players use long handled cues to shove disks into scoring areas of a diagram marked on a smooth surface 2. a diagram on which shuffleboard is played …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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