
/sherr"brook/, n.
a city in S Quebec, in SE Canada. 76,804.

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      city, Estrie region, southern Quebec province, Canada, at the confluence of the Magog and Saint-François rivers. It originated as a fur-trading post, about 75 miles (120 km) east of Montreal city and 30 miles (48 km) north of the Vermont, U.S., boundary, and later served as a grist-milling centre for loyalist farmers. In 1818 it was named after Sir John Sherbrooke, governor-general of Canada.

      Sherbrooke has developed into an industrial, commercial, cultural, and administrative centre, as well as a regional transportation hub on several main highways and railway lines. The city has a hydroelectric plant; asbestos, copper, and limestone are found in the vicinity, and neighbouring woodlands provide birch, cedar, elm, and maple. Diversified manufactures include textiles, heavy machinery, pulp and paper, dairy products, rubber and leather goods, and clothing. The city is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishopric and the Université de Sherbrooke, a French-language university chartered in 1954. Surrounded by numerous lakes and hilly terrain, Sherbrooke has also become a tourist centre. Inc. town, 1852; city, 1875. Pop. (2006) 147,427.

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Universalium. 2010.

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