shared-appreciation mortgage
- shared-appreciation mortgage
/shaird"euh pree'shee ay"sheuhn/
a type of mortgage that carries a smaller down payment or lower interest rate than usual in return for the lender'
s sharing in the appreciation of the property at some future date,
as at the time of its sale.
Abbr.: SAM
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Shared appreciation mortgage — A shared appreciation mortgage or SAM is a mortgage in which the lender agrees as part of the loan to accept some or all payment in the form of a share of the increase in value (the appreciation) of the property. In the US A shared appreciation… … Wikipedia
Shared-Appreciation Mortgage - SAM — A special kind of mortgage that allows the purchaser to pay a given amount of the loan balance to the lender by passing along a portion of the gain in value of the property. In return for this additional compensation, the lender agrees to charge… … Investment dictionary
Shared Appreciation Mortgage — ( SAM) A mortgage with a low rate of interest, offset by giving the lender some portion of the appreciation in the value of the underlying property. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
shared-appreciation mortgage — /shaird euh pree shee ay sheuhn/ a type of mortgage that carries a smaller down payment or lower interest rate than usual in return for the lender s sharing in the appreciation of the property at some future date, as at the time of its sale. Abbr … Useful english dictionary
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mortgage — /morgaj/ A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt. At common law, an estate created by a conveyance absolute in its form, but intended to secure… … Black's law dictionary
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Flexible mortgage — The term flexible mortgage refers to a residential mortgage loan that offers flexibility in the requirements to make monthly repayments. The flexible mortgage first appeared in Australia in the early 1990s (hence the US term Australian mortgage) … Wikipedia
ЗАКЛАДНАЯ С УЧАСТИЕМ В ПРИБЫЛИ — SHARED APPRECIATION MORTGAGEЗАКЛАДНАЯ, по к рой заемщик обязуется разделить с кредитором значительную долю (часто от 30 до 50%) прироста стоимости недвижимости, когда должник продает или передает собственность др. лицу сразу же или по истечении… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов