
/set"up'/, n.
1. organization; arrangement.
2. an act or instance of setting up or getting ready: The setup of the lights and camera took most of the morning.
3. the carriage of the body; bearing.
4. a camera position, as for a particular shot.
5. everything required for an alcoholic drink except the liquor, as a glass, ice, and soda water, as served to patrons who provide their own liquor.
6. Informal.
a. an undertaking or contest deliberately made easy.
b. a match or game arranged with an opponent who can be defeated without risk or effort.
c. an opponent easy to defeat.
7. Sports.
a. a shot or play that results in a puck, shuttlecock, ball, or balls being so positioned as to provide a player with an easy opportunity for a winning shot: a playmaker who excels in setups.
b. the position of such a puck, ball, etc.: a setup close to and to the left of the goalkeeper.
c. the puck, ball, etc., itself: The wing banged the setup into the goal.
8. an arrangement of all the tools, parts, apparatus, etc., necessary for any of various specific jobs or purposes.
9. the equipment or items necessary for a particular activity or period; kit: Each student gets a weekly setup of clean blankets, sheets, and towels.
10. a plan or projected course of action.
11. a prearranged situation or circumstance, usually created to fool or trap someone; trick; scheme.
[1600-10; n. use of v. phrase set up]

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  • Setup — may refer to: *Setup (music) *Installation (computer programs) *Racing setup, in auto racingee also*Setting (disambiguation) *Set (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • setup — index content (structure), device (contrivance), method, order (arrangement) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • setup — /seˈtap, ingl. ˌsɛtˈʌp/ [vc. ingl. «installazione, avviamento»] s. m. inv. (elab.) installazione …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • setup — (izg. setȁp) m DEFINICIJA inform., v. instalacija (4) ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • setup — [set′up΄] n. 1. the way in which something is set up; specif., a) the plan, makeup, or arrangement, as of equipment, an organization, etc. b) the details of a situation, plan of action, etc. ☆ 2. bodily posture; carriage ☆ 3. the glass, ice, soda …   English World dictionary

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  • setup — 1. n. a place to live. □ She’s got a little setup over on Maple. □ This is a pretty nice setup. What’s the rent? 2. n. a scheme; a plot. (Underworld.) □ Okay, what’s the setup for the bank job? □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Setup — Set up auch: Set|up 〈[sɛtʌ̣p] n. 15; Sp.; Golf〉 Aufstellung zur Ausführung eines Schlages [engl., eigtl. „Aufbau, Anlage“] * * * Set up, Set|up [ zɛt|ap, auch: sɛtɑp], das; s, s [engl. set up, zu: to set up = aufbauen, einstellen]: 1. (EDV) …   Universal-Lexikon

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