
/serr"peuhnt/, n.
1. a snake.
2. a wily, treacherous, or malicious person.
3. the Devil; Satan. Gen. 3:1-5.
4. a firework that burns with serpentine motion or flame.
5. an obsolete wooden wind instrument with a serpentine shape and a deep, coarse tone. Cf. ophicleide.
6. (cap.) Astron. the constellation Serpens.
[1250-1300; ME ( < MF) < L serpent-, s. of serpens; see SERPENS]

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 in music, a bass wind instrument sounded by the vibration of the lips against a cup mouthpiece. It was probably invented in 1590 by Edme Guillaume, a French canon of Auxerre, as an improvement on bass versions of the closely related cornett. It is made of wood in a serpentine curve 7 to 8 feet (2 to 2.5 m) long, and it has a conical bore and six finger holes. Originally it accompanied plainchant (Gregorian chant) in churches; from the 18th century, until superseded by brass basses in the 19th century, it was a standard wind bass in military bands. It possessed a rich tone and wide dynamic range. It was the instrument of several early 19th-century virtuosos and was sometimes used in orchestras. In about 1800, keys were added, extending the player's reach and allowing higher notes to be produced. Metal serpents also appeared, as did bassoon-shaped versions. Serpents were played in some Spanish bands as late as 1884 and in a few rural French churches on into the early 20th century.

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