Sergius II

Sergius II
died A.D. 847, pope 844-847.

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patriarch of Constantinople
died July 1019

      patriarch of Constantinople (100119) who claimed the title ofecumenical patriarchagainst the objections of the papacy. He also supported for a time the continuing schismatical movement begun in 867 in the Byzantine church by the patriarch Photius (c. 820895), occasioned by a speculative theological controversy concerning the doctrine of the divine Trinity.

      Abbot of a monastery in Constantinople, Sergius II was elected patriarch about July 1001. A story that Pope Sergius IV (100912) sent Sergius II the Synodicon, a letter insisting on the Latin Trinitarian teaching that the Holy Spirit relates to both Father and Son (Filioque), thus initiating the Eastern schism when Patriarch Sergius reacted by erasing the pope's name from the Byzantine prayer intercessions, is the invention of 12th-century controversialists. Patriarch Sergius' support of the Photian Schism was temporary, for political reasons, and it is not certain that he ever excommunicated Sergius IV for not acknowledging the Greek Orthodox doctrine that the Spirit relates only to the Father.

      Sergius II resisted a movement for the veneration of the 10th-century mystical theologian Simeon the Studite and supported the Byzantine landowners against the attempt of the emperor Basil II (9761025) to make them answerable for unpaid taxes due from the peasantry.

born , Rome [Italy]
died Jan. 27, 847

      pope from 844 to 847.

      Of noble birth, Sergius was made cardinal by Pope St. Paschal I and became an archpriest under Pope Gregory IV, whom he was elected to succeed by the Roman nobility against the wishes of the populace, which enthroned the deacon John as antipope. Although John momentarily occupied the Lateran Palace in Rome, he was soon imprisoned in a monastery by Sergius, who was consecrated in January 844 without waiting for the sanction of the Frankish emperor Lothar I. The emperor accordingly sent his son Louis II, later his successor, with an army to punish the breach of the Roman Constitution of 824, which had affirmed imperial sovereignty over the pope.

      A peaceful settlement was arranged, in which Sergius agreed that no one could become pope without imperial consent, and Louis swore not to attack Rome. On June 15, 844, Sergius crowned Louis as king of the Lombards. He rejected, however, Roman fealty to Louis as proposed by Bishop Drogo of Metz, arranging, instead, an oath of allegiance to Lothar. In 844 he made Drogo his legate to the Frankish kingdoms.

      Sergius' pontificate was dominated by his brother, Bishop Benedict of Albano, to whom, partly because of his severe gout, he delegated most of the papal business. Benedict proved opportunistic, however, usurping power and finagling money while executing a large building program that included the enlargement of the St. John Lateran Basilica. The worst blow to Sergius' reign was the brutal raid on the Roman walls by the Saracens (Saracen), who pillaged the basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul. Sergius was accused of failing to provide protection. He died while trying to mediate a dispute between the Italian patriarchs of Aquileia and Grado.

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