
/see'mee ot"ik, sem'ee, see'muy-/, adj. Also, semiotical.
1. of or pertaining to signs.
2. of or pertaining to semiotics.
3. Med. of or pertaining to symptoms; symptomatic.
4. semiotics.
[1615-20; (def. 3) < Gk semeiotikós significant, equiv. to semeio-, verbid s. of semeioûn to interpret as a sign (deriv. of Gk semeîon sign) + -tikos -TIC; (def. 4) < Gk semeiotiké, n. use of fem. of semeiotikós, adapted by John Locke (on the model of Gk logiké LOGIC, etc.; see -IC) to mean "the doctrine of signs"; (defs. 1, 2) based on Locke's coinage or a reanalysis of the Gk word]

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