
/see/, n.
1. the salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth's surface.
2. a division of these waters, of considerable extent, more or less definitely marked off by land boundaries: the North Sea.
3. one of the seven seas; ocean.
4. a large lake or landlocked body of water.
5. the degree or amount of turbulence of the ocean or other body of water, as caused by the wind.
6. the waves.
7. a large wave: The heavy seas almost drowned us.
8. a widely extended, copious, or overwhelming quantity: a sea of faces; a sea of troubles.
9. the work, travel, and shipboard life of a sailor: The sea is a hard life but a rewarding one.
10. Astron. mare3.
11. at sea,
a. on the ocean.
b. perplexed; uncertain: completely at sea as to how to answer the question. Also, asea.
12. follow the sea, to pursue a nautical career: Many boys then dreamed of following the sea.
13. go to sea,
a. to set out on a voyage.
b. to embark on a nautical career.
14. half seas over, Slang. partly or completely drunk: They came home at dawn, looking half seas over. Also, half-seas over.
15. put to sea, to embark on a sea voyage: The expedition is nearly ready to put to sea. Also, put out to sea.
16. of, pertaining to, or adapted for use at sea.
[bef. 900; ME see, OE sae; c. D zee, G See, ON saer sea, Goth saiws marsh]
Syn. 8. multitude, host, abundance, mass.

* * *

(as used in expressions)
sea parrot
sea coot
Southern Sea
Azov Sea of
Sea of Cortés
deep sea trench
deep sea vent
Japan Sea of
East Sea
sea leopard
Marmara Sea of
Okhotsk Sea of
Philippine Sea Battle of the
Steller's sea cow
great sea otter
Sea Law of the
Southend on Sea
Sea of Galilee

* * *

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