
/skrab"euhl/, Trademark.
a brand name for a game combining anagrams and crosswords in which two to four players use counters of various point values to form words on a playing board.

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Game in which two to four players compete in forming words with lettered wooden tiles on a 225-square board.

Words spelled out by letters on the tiles interlock like words in a crossword puzzle. Words are scored by adding up the point values of their letters. The game (originally called Lexico) was developed by Alfred Butts, an unemployed architect, in 1931. It was redesigned and renamed Scrabble by Butts and James Brunot in 1948. Tens of millions of sets have been sold in many languages worldwide.

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      board-and-tile game in which two to four players compete in forming words with lettered tiles on a 225-square board; words spelled out by letters on the tiles interlock like words in a crossword puzzle.

      Players draw seven tiles from a pool at the start and replenish their supply after each turn. Tiles in the pool and those of other players are kept secret so that a player can see only those tiles on the board and his own. A player may forfeit his turn and exchange any or all of his tiles for those in the pool. There are 100 letter tiles, each imprinted with a point value for different letters, approximately corresponding to the frequency of occurrence of the letter in English words. Words are scored by adding up the point values of their letters, multiplied by any of 61 premium squares that may be covered, such as double letter, triple letter, double word, and triple word.

      Scoring as the game advances is possible both horizontally and vertically, with higher scores registered by forming two or more interlocking words at the same time. At the end of the game, when one player has no tiles or the board is deadlocked, the player who has scored the greatest number of points is the winner. Values of unused letters left to players are totalled and deducted from their scores.

      Originally called Criss Cross, the game, which was based on the crossword puzzle and anagrams, was developed by Alfred M. Butts, an architect, in 1931. It was redesigned, renamed as Scrabble, and marketed by James Brunot in 1948. It was first sold in Great Britain in 1954.

      Scrabble was later produced in many foreign languages, Braille, and magnetic editions and continued to be one of the leading board-and-tile games in the United States. Tournaments have been held in the United States since 1973.

      In 2005 Scrabulous, an unauthorized online version of Scrabble, was released, and two years later it debuted on the social-networking site Facebook. The online version's immense popularity on the site soon caught the attention of Hasbro, owner of Scrabble's North American rights. Facing a lawsuit by Hasbro, Scrabulous creators Rajat Agarwalla and Jayant Agarwalla in 2008 released Wordscraper, a Scrabble-like game that allows players to design their own board, and later that year Facebook disabled Scrabulous for their North American users. The game, however, was available on its own Web site, though by late 2008 it was known as Lexulous, following a court-mandated renaming. Hasbro also made the official Scrabble game available through Facebook.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Scrabble — Daten zum Spiel Autor Alfred Mosher Butts Verlag James Brunot (1949), Selchow Righter (1953), Spear Spiele (1953), Schowanek (1953), Hasbro …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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