
/shay"luyt, shee"-/, n. Mineral.
calcium tungstate, CaWO4, usually occurring in tetragonal crystals: an important ore of tungsten.
[1830-40; < G Scheelit, named after K. W. SCHEELE, who first isolated tungstic acid; see -ITE1]

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      calcium tungstate mineral, CaWO4, that is an important ore of tungsten. It acquired commercial value in the 20th century when tungsten became used in alloy steels and electric-light filaments. The mineral is named in honour of the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who obtained tungstic acid from it in 1781. Scheelite commonly occurs as compact or granular masses in contact metasomatic deposits, high-temperature veins, and granite pegmatites. In the United States it has been mined extensively in North Carolina, California, and Nevada. It also occurs in Cornwall and Cumberland in England, and in Bolivia, New South Wales, New Zealand, Siberia, Switzerland, and France.

      Scheelite is white, yellow, brown, or green in colour and has a vitreous to adamantine lustre. Most scheelite fluoresces, the colour ranging from blue-white or white to yellow, depending upon the amount of molybdenum present. The mineral's Mohs hardness is 4.55; specific gravity, 5.96.1; and crystal system, tetragonal. Scheelite is one end-member of a continuous series of solid solutions in which the second component is the similar mineral powellite, CaMoO4.

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  • scheelite — n. Mineral. calcium tungstate in its mineral crystalline form. Etymology: K. W. Scheele, Sw. chemist d. 1786 * * * scheelite Min. (ˈʃiːlaɪt) [f. the name of K. W. Scheele, the discoverer of tungstic acid + ite.] Tungstate of calcium, found in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • scheelite — noun Etymology: German Scheelit, from Karl W. Scheele died 1786 Swedish chemist Date: circa 1837 a mineral consisting of the tungstate of calcium that is an ore of tungsten …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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