
/skap"yeuh leuh/, n., pl. scapulas, scapulae /-lee'/.
1. Anat. either of two flat, triangular bones, each forming the back part of a shoulder in humans; shoulder blade. See diags. under shoulder, skeleton.
2. Zool. a dorsal bone of the pectoral girdle.
[1570-80; < L: shoulder]

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also called  shoulder blade 
 either of two large bones of the shoulder girdle in vertebrates. In humans they are triangular and lie on the upper back between the levels of the second and eighth ribs. A scapula's posterior surface is crossed obliquely by a prominent ridge, the spine, which divides the bone into two concave areas, the supraspinous and infraspinous fossae. The spine and fossae give attachment to muscles that act in rotating the arm. The spine ends in the acromion, a process that articulates with the clavicle, or collarbone, in front and helps form the upper part of the shoulder socket. The lateral apex of the triangle is broadened and presents a shallow cavity, the glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the bone of the upper arm, the humerus, to form the shoulder joint. Overhanging the glenoid cavity is a beaklike projection, the coracoid process, which completes the shoulder socket. To the margins of the scapula are attached muscles that aid in moving or fixing the shoulder as demanded by movements of the upper limb.

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Universalium. 2010.

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